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marching order 軍裝。

marching orders

Though the wording of the order did not seem quite clear to the general in command of the regiment , and the question arose whether they were to take it to mean , in marching order or not , it was decided on a consultation between the majors to present the regiment in parade order on the ground , since , as the saying is , it is better to bow too low than not to bow low enough 那天傍晚,在最近一次行軍的路上,接到了一項關于總司令檢閱行軍中的兵團的命令。雖然團長不太明了命令中的措詞,出現了應當怎樣領會措詞的問題:士兵是不是穿上行軍的服裝接受檢閱?而在營長會議上,遵照以禮相待的準則,決定兵團的士兵穿上閱兵服接受檢閱。

Though the adjutant did not know these details , he gave the general in command of the regiment the message that the commander - in - chief absolutely insisted on the men being in their overcoats and marching order , and that , if the contrary were the case , the commander - in - chief would be displeased 盡管那個副官不熟悉詳情,但他已向團長轉達了非履行不可的總司令的要求,即是士兵必須穿軍大衣,罩上外套,不然,總司令就會表示不滿意的。

At seven oclock in the morning an escort of french soldiers in marching order , in shakoes , with guns , knapsacks , and huge sacks , stood before the sheds and a running fire of eager french talk , interspersed with oaths , was kept up all along the line 七日晨七時,在棚屋前面站著一列全副行軍裝束頭戴高筒軍帽荷槍實彈身背背包和大口袋的押送隊伍,整個隊伍喧鬧著,可以聽到從各排中發出的法國式的咒罵聲。

But i m one of those men who set great store by the way an affair is ended . now marguerite gave me my marching orders in such an offhand sort of way , that i was left feeling i d been rather silly to have fallen in love with her the way i did 但是我這個人非常講究分手的方式,瑪格麗特那么隨隨便便地就把我打發了,這使我覺得我過去對她那么多情是太傻了,因為我以前的確非常愛這個姑娘。 ”

“ oh , as to him , madame , i gave him his marching orders a while ago , “ said zoe with a grin . “ he only wanted to tell madame that he couldn t come to - night . “黑鬼嘛,太太,我已把他攆走很長時間了, ”佐愛嫣然一笑,說道, “他只想跟太太說一聲,他今晚來不成了。 ”

Both the corporal and the soldiers were in marching order , with knapsacks on and shakoes , with straps buttoned , that changed their familiar faces 那個班長和兩名士兵都是行軍打扮,背著背包,頭戴高筒軍帽,帽帶的金色飾條光閃閃的,一改了他們平時所熟悉的面貌。

We can best describe the path along which we set out by reference to two of the most famous and most influential “ marching orders ” for sociology 描述這樣歷程最好的方法就是從參考兩個最有名并最有影響力最具前驅性的社會學源流開始。

You ' re basically saying that we should take our marching orders from al - qaeda ? if they want us off the arabian peninsula , we should leave 你基本上是在說我們應該聽從基地組織給我的行軍令?如果他們讓我們離開阿拉伯半島,我們就應該離開?

We can protest our marching orders when we get them , but that won ' t stop us from marching . we don ' t get to say “ no “ to our life 我們聽到前進的號令,當然可以抗議,但我們依舊被推著前進,無法對我們的生活說:不。

No ! i ' m saying ? - ha - ha - ha ! - i ' m saying we should take our marching orders from our constitution 不!我是說, -哈哈哈! -我是說我們應該聽從我們的憲法給我們的行軍令。

Its marching orders are : “ if there is a native widget , use it 它的行軍命令是: “如果有本機窗口構件就使用它。

Just now she had given it marching orders and it had been trudging over the sandy plains of a history of german thought . 這會兒她已向它發出前進的命令,要它在德國思想史的沙磧上艱難地跋涉。

As he completed the timetables he turned with reluctance to the march orders . 時間表制定好以后,他又硬著頭皮開始草擬行軍命令。